
Showing posts from December, 2021

Must-Ask Questions Before the Inspection - Inspect It First

When buying a home, it's crucial to have an inspection done. A professional home inspector will evaluate the structural integrity of the building, check for any damages, and make recommendations to fix them. The inspector will also examine the plumbing and electrical systems to ensure that they meet city and state codes. You can ask a home inspector many questions before and during the inspection . Find out what they will inspect, how they will inspect it, and if they have any special certifications or training. It would help if you also asked what areas of the home they do not inspect. Ask if any problems will be missed by a visual inspection, who to contact with questions after the inspection, and how much the inspection will cost. Prospective home buyers often ask the same questions about home inspections: ·          What should I do? ·          What do I need to know? ·    ...